A game of mind-blowing proportions that marks a fresh evolution for the beloved Total War franchise, WARHAMMER III is based on the renowned Warhammer Fantasy Battle tabletop wargame from Games...
WARHAMMER III plunges players into a cataclysmic power struggle between mortals and daemons with each aiming to save or exploit the power of a dying god. Featuring seven diverse playable races – including the video-game debuts of Grand Cathay and Kislev – alongside ground-breaking new features such as the Realm of Chaos campaign, eight-player multiplayer, and the customisable RPG-like Daemon Prince Legendary Lord.
Alongside these lands is the Prologue campaign, a new Total War experience, perfect for brand-new players and those requiring a refresher course on the mechanics of the game. Within this mode, players will learn basic and advanced techniques of generalship and engage in a narrative experience that leads into the main campaign.
This initial macOS release of Total War: WARHAMMER III requires Apple Silicon. The game is officially supported on all Macs with an Apple M1 chip or better, as reflected in the game’s system requirements:
OS: macOS 12.0.1
Processor: Apple M1 (8‑Core CPU) or better
Graphics: Apple M1 (7‑Core GPU) or better
Storage: 125 GB
For more information about Total War: WARHAMMER III visit the Total War FAQ. Purchase directly from the developers at the Total War: WARHAMMER III store or Steam.